19 May, 2005

haven blogged for the past week...
hmmz... the past few weeks have been quite a terrible time for mi...
i'm glad i have everione wif mi... =)

life in ac... not tt bad now...
now i speak in eng alot more often...
muz get used to it...
but juz can't help it when i meet up wif fellow nanhuarians~

i personally think i changed alot...
i'm such a mugger now...
always go to the library to study n do hw whenever i got free periods...
(i haf 14 free periods.. tts 14x40 mins=9 hrs 20 mins)
i can almost hear pple screaming... ''oMg!!! is tt realli xiang in the library? faster go buy 4d!!!!''
i'm kinda freaked out myself too... but i realli have nothing better to do...

den the most terrible thing tt happened so far was of cos my ah gong...
i'm more or less ok now...
but i'm most worried abt my poh poh...
we told her tt my ah gong wasn't ard anymore... she cried...
but the next day, she kept asking where he was...
she totally forgot... she keeps thinking he's still in the hospital.....
maybe its gd she doesn't rmb it....
afterall... ignorance is bliss.....

n mon was my cousin, sHaun's wedding~
his lao po is damn chio~
had a nice long chat wif my cousins...
4 seasons hotel... nice ambience n nice food~
bez thing was tt it was buffet dinner which means no shark's fin!!
eating shark's fin is soo cruel...
juz chop off the fin n dump the shark back in the sea...
so bian tai!!!
quite glad there wasn't shark's fin! =)

n oso... muz make announcement...
thanx to yew chye n peigee for their bdae wishes....
tt goes for mt, ching, huan, pat, sam, mh, derrick, colin, apple, jiesheng, jia ying, james, daryL n everione else.... thanx alot...=)
*yc complain to huan tt i nv mention him... hehe~ sorrie... make it up 2 u le ba~*

n speaking of bdaes....
it was cHiNg yi'S bDae ytd!!!!
happie bdae dear!!!!! *hugZ*
i noe its abit sian cos muz work on ur bdae... but hey! i oso went to sch on my bdae!!
hahaa... juz wanna wish tt u stay bubbly n cute always!!!!!

*~LaLa LaNd~*14:37

12 May, 2005

it's been a really busy week for mi...
8th may...
mother's day...
mi n daryL's 10th month anniversary...
the day my ah gong passed away......

sunday went raffles marina wif my aunt for lunch...
but the hospital called when we juz reached...
said my ah gong was quite weak n abit breathless....
den my mom rushed over to the hospital n asked mi not to go...
after tt, my cousin sent mi home...
took a ride in his bmW z-4...
quite shiok... but it was onli after tt den i recieved news tt my ahgong left alreadi....

his funeral was at redhill... n exact same location as my yeye...
same place... but totally different feelings...
sad... grieved... n i dunno wad else...

went to the crematorium... tt's where i was really upset...
each of us took a piece of my ah gong's remains n put it in an urn...
the scary part was putting the lid over...
cos the guy kinda started squeezing in the remains n heard some cracking sounds...
my heart realli ached.....

have been crying quite alot these few days...
but life still has to go on....
i think dis was the worst mother's day my mom had to ever go thru...
so i made a card n cheered her up...

hope our family will stay happy....

*~LaLa LaNd~*08:08

05 May, 2005

yTd waS mY 17tH bDaE~ =)
fiLLeD wiF LoTsA suRpRisEs...

earLy iN e moRninG...
woKe uP tO c 5 msGs...
miCheLLe, cHinG, huAn, paT n saM...
niCe waY tO sTarT e daY~
dEn... wHiLe i waS doiN hW iN e LibRarY...
daryL caLLeD mi!
hahaa... LyK veH LoNg nV toK to hiM LeRz...
sO quiTe haPPie!!!
aFteR sCh wEnT kboX...
thoUgh oNi goT mH, coLiN n deRRicK...
buT i sTiLL veH hapPie LaRz~
saNg Lotsa LoTsA soNgs...
dEn suDDenLy tHe waiTeR caMe iN wiF a bDaE caKe!!
hahaaa... yuMMy cHoCo caKe..
iTs beeN LyK 9 moNthS+ siNce i LasT touCheD cHocO...
buT iT reaLLi taSteD gd~
LasT biiG suRpriSe oF tHe daY~
huaN ruSheD oveR tO kBoX aFteR baNd...
sHe goT sYf toDae n sHe sTiLL caMe oVeR...
veRi gAn doNg...
haD diNneR wiF mY famiLy aT tuRf ciTy...
n haD a deLicioUs maNgo caKe...
dEn wEnT hoMe tO piiiiG....
(tHinK i puT oN aLoT aLoT oF wEighT Le bA~
aTe 2 caKes... hahaa...)

goT reaLLi niCe pReZziEs fRm evErioNe..
baG, siMs 2 uNi, eaRriNgs, coRdLeSs pHone, pS 2(coMing sOOn)
thAnX tO evErioNe foR wiShinG mi a haPPie bDaE...
cos i reaLLi haD a gReaT n eNjoyabLe oNE!!!!!
*LooKinG foRwaRd tO neXt bDaE!! dRiVinG LicencE!!!!!!!!!!*

*~LaLa LaNd~*13:58

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