30 September, 2004

tmL LasT paPer LoRz!!!! wooHoo~
hoPe caN spEnd moRe tiMe wiF hiM aFteR pReLiMs....diN sEE hiM foR 1 wHoLe wEEk...............*soBz*
tOt haD tO waiT tiLL tmL dEn caN sEE hiM...deN hE suDDenLy apPeaR whEn i waLkeD ouT oF sChooL gaTe!!!!heehee~reaLLi veRi suRpriSed!!!!!!! aNd haPPie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!coS yeSterdAe hE acTuaLLy waNteD tO suRpriSe mi LerZ...buT i haD to sEnD huaN hoMe coS shE noT feeLin weLL...iN tHe eNd, hE maDe a waSted triP.... aLL yC fauLt!!!! haiZ....buT LucKiLy noT toDae~ heehee... =D
finaLLy sAw hiM LerZ...firSt tiMe wE oNe wHoLe wEEk nV sEE eaCh oTheR...
wiSh diS iS thE fiRst n tHe LasT...coS reaLLi aLoT oF thiNgs haPPen diS wEeK...deN onLi caN taLk to hiM thRu tHe phoNe n mSn....hMMz... nOW daT preLims r oVer... iTs tiME to Pia o'LeveL....kinDa siAn... buT iT wiLL b oVeR sooN.... =)

*~LaLa LaNd~*16:21

28 September, 2004

duN giV uP!!!
cAn a broKen hEarT bE mEnDed?
nO proB!!!!eSp iF u'Ve goT tHe heLp of uR frEnz n faMiLy!!!!tHey r thE oNes wHo wiLL heLp tO pick uP tHe fRagmeNts...n sLowLy piEce iT tOgetHer...iF u eVer thInk oF giVinG uP, thInk abT dEm!!!hoW caN u giVe uP oN uRseLf wHen tHey haVen'T?juZ waNna TeLL aLL tHe ppLe oUt tHeRe....duN woRRi.... u wuN b aLonE wHen u R doWn...coS tHe ppLe aRd u wiLL alWayS heLp u uP...nO maTteR waD...stiLL goT mi.... okiE? =P*my deAr jiE mEi... sEe u LidDat... mY heaRt oSo paiN... waN tO heLp... buT i veRi uSeLess.... onLi maDe u feeL woRse... i'M reaLLi soRRi... u wEre aLwayS tHerE tO chEeR mi uP... buT now i....... sorry............. i duNno waD tO saY... buT my shouLdeR wiLL aLwaYs be aVailabLe 4 u....

*~LaLa LaNd~*22:28

20 September, 2004

hahahaaZ.... finaLLy goT a bReaK fRom tHe pReLiMs...toDae biO.. duN niD tO go....sLepT tiLL 10 toDae....wahahahahaZ.... /\__/\ ( _ _ ) z Z ( 00 ) <--- aCtiVity FOr THe DaY~
mY eyEbaGs sTiLL quiTe seRioUs... @_@....sO.... LatEr goiN baCk tO sLp soMemoRe...kekekee~reaLLy goNna bcoMe p*G LerZ...soMeonE duN aLLoW mi tO caLL mYseLf p*G....sO.... wahahhahahaa~ =PoiNk oiNk n niTe niTeZ~

*~LaLa LaNd~*12:21

18 September, 2004

toO muCh chAngE...
mRs siM aLwaYs sAys... noThinG iN thiS worLd iS peRmanEnt eXcepT chaNge...i uNderStanD diS...buT suDdEn chaNgE iS tOo muCh foR mi tO taKe...i waS veRi uPseT yeSterdAe...mY moM sEnt mY maiD baC tO jaKarTa...wOrsE thiNg iS... gaVe heR veRi shoRt noTice...i tRied tO peRsuaDe mY moM tO teLL heR eaRlieR sO thAt shE couLd pRepaRe...but.. objEctioN oVeruLed...i feLt veRi sAd... itS LyK.. sO meaN... aFteRall.. shE haS staYed wiF uS foR 5 moNths...duNNo leHz... waS crYinG wHen i taLkeD tO mY moM aBt diS...enDed uP quaRreLinG...dEn mY eyEs waS swOLLen foR thE whoLe dAe...sOmemoRe haD to gO foR tHe hSk...aRghZ~TriEd tO heLp fiGht foR somEone'S riGhtS...
buT i faiLed..........feLt veRi uSeLess.. n dePressEd...dEn i caLLeD hiM....duNNo hOw hE doEs iT...buT i tuRneD fRm cRyiNG tO LaughIng bY thE tiMe wE enDed ouR conVersAtioN...i'm sO LucKy tT he'S alWayZ tHerE foR mi......heehee~ =)

*~LaLa LaNd~*23:48

15 September, 2004

hMMz... paPer oNe toDae waS ruBBiSh~siaNz... goT no moOd tO wRiTe LoRz....soMe JeRks... saNg 'tuO diAo' iN tHe miDdLe oF tHe paPer... sO noiSy... aRghZ... noW caNNot gEt tT sTupiD tuNe ouTta mY heAd!!!!!!!! shOuLd nS bE maDe coMpuLsoRy tO gaLs?oF coS noT LaRz!!! i'LL oNi sLacK n wAstE rEsouRceS iN nS~waD ruBbiSh.............=PhoPe iT wuN haPPeN bAhX... aT leAst noT oN mE.....cHiNesE wAs waaAY beTTeR...
i eVen haD tiMe tO rEwriTe tHe whoLe comPo n aDD poIntS...
waD paRenTs muZ 'faNg shoU', chiLdRen muZ leT dEm 'faNg xiN'...hhahahaZ... wAs juZ cRapPinG thRu....tHen noW sTiLL raiNinG veRi heaViLy~siaNx... toTaLLy dRenChed juZ noW!!!aRgH~ i waS LyK dRiPPiNg waTer aLL e wAy fRom tHe dOoR...uP tHe stAiRs.. tO thE cuPboaRd n dEn baThrooM....sO coLd... *bRrrrrrrLuCky i noT sO sCarEd oF thUndeR LeRz...iF noT... hahahhahaa~ raiN raiN gO aWay...i haTe rAiNy dAes....sO gLooMy... buT niCe foR sLpinG... hahaZ~

*~LaLa LaNd~*17:03

13 September, 2004

cHeM pRaC~
aRgh~ pReLiMs r heRe...toDaE stArt wiF chEm pRaC...
siaNz.. sEconD sHifT... haD to waiT 1.5 hRs...fRi wiLL bE evEn woRse.. 3Rd shiFt haFta waiT 3hRs!!!!buT oveRaLL... chem prAc waS quite okAe....hoPefuLLy.. wiF lotza LuCk.. i wiLL paSS....broKe a coNicaL fLasK... tOo kaN cheoNg leRz... fiRst tiMe brEaK apParaTus...buT duN niD tO paY~ so.. hahhaaha~hMmz..pReLimS... noT onI mEanS sTreSS...oSo meaNs i caNNoT sEE hiM... aT leaSt noT foR thiS wEEk...=(coS he oSo haVin examS....buT wE r woRkiN haRd toGetheR...sO.. iTs noT tt baD!!! =)dEn noW he haFta gO fOR wiSdom tOOth eXtraCtioN...waHz... tT tiMe my Sis gO extRacT.. lYk daMn paiN siA...
i vEri woRRieD... waHz... i miSS hiM aLot leHz...itS goNNa b quiTe soMe tiMe tiLL i sEE hiM agAin........*soBz*......

*~LaLa LaNd~*22:28

08 September, 2004

2 moNthS LeRz!!!
heehee~2 moNths reaLLy paSs veRi faSt...=)
enJoyeD evEry seConD sPenT wiTh hiM...buT i hOpe thaT the neXt 2 moNthS wiLL paSs eVen faSter...can'T waiT foR o'S to eNd...tHen caN spEnd moRe tiMe wiF hiM...haD aLoT oF fuN...wEnt tO jP paSaR maLam...pLayEd buMpeR caRs...tHen diD a LittLe shoPPinG... (j.F.a. roX!!!)heehee~so haPPie!!!LuV mY DaRdAr~

*~LaLa LaNd~*23:31

weNt to hiS woRkpLaCe yeSterdaE...veRi niCe pLacE...hiS coLleaguEs oSo veRi fRenLy.. buT i wAs daMn pai Seh... =PraffLeS maRinA waS quiTe fAr...jouRneY tHeRe wAs sTiLL oKay... eXcepT foR tHe guAi peH pEhz...... =(caN'T beLiEve mEt 2 iN a DaE...so SuaY... =S
wAs kiNda frEaKed ouT... buT feLt aLOT beTtEr whEn i saW him!! heeheE~ =)

*~LaLa LaNd~*12:55

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waN hSiN

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