31 August, 2004

yEa!! jaPan!!!
aSia CuP quaRteRfiNaL!!!wOOhOO~jaPan! jaPan!! jaPan!!!haha... damN eXcitinG maTch...fuLL tiMe dRaw...eXtrA tiMe dRaW...peNaLtY kiCk 4-3!!!yeA!!!!!buT.. haiZ... koRea waS a big disaPpOintmeNt...buT nvM... tHerE wiLL alWayS b oTheR chaNces!!!
duN giV uP... eVen uP tO tHe LasT seCond!!!!

*~LaLa LaNd~*23:29

28 August, 2004

dunnOe leHz....
hMMx...reCentLy evEriOne asKinG'So.. wHicH jC u waNNa gO?'mY repLy alWayZ saMe onEz...'muZ go Jc meH? poLy caNNot aRh?!'peopLe alWayS tiO stuN bY my anS...waDs wrOng wiF goiNg poLy? gO jC doeSn'T enSuRe tt uR fuTuRe iS 100% BriGht...y puT so muCh hOpE on iT? buT aCtuaLLy... i stiLL duNNo wHeRe i waNNa go oR waD i waNna dO...mY fuTurE is stiLL a bLur...evEn iF i gO poLy... waD couRse wiLL i taKe?i oSo duNNo...fiRst tiMe iN 4 yRs tt i feLt sO LosT...laSt tiMe waS psLe...buT thiS tiMe.. thE feeLinG iS muCh stRongeR....maYbe coS waD i cHoosE noW wiLL aFFecT mY whoLe LifE!i duN waN tO reGreT, LooK baCk n tHink.. hoW cuM i diN taKe tHe oTheR paTh?juZ noW hE caMe tO taLk tO LiuMz abT sP...LiuMz saE shE waNNa taKe LanDscaPe aRchiTectuRe...buT tHeRe's no maRkeT foR thiS iN sinGapoRe...waD joB wiLL sHe fiNd? buT shE's goT heR miNd sEt...kiNda envY heR.. she goT heR goaLs n dReaMs...n i'M sTiLL siTTiNg aRd doiNg noThiNg...........juZ tHinkiNg...maYb waD i waNt tO bE hasN'T beeN inVenTed yeT...

*~LaLa LaNd~*19:48

hMmmmZ...goT baCk mY soCiaL stUdieS paPeR LiaOz...haiZ... sPoiL mY reCorD oF aLL pAss~aRgh!!!! 10/25......................buT nVm LaRz... hahahaaT LeaSt i diD quiTe wELL foR e rEsT oF thE paPerS...faiL sS.. aVg stiLL goT 64....hehE... veRi haPPiE LeRz...
waHz... muZ piA aLoT oF ppLe dE auTogRapH bK...hahaZ... wHen wiLL i evEr gEt tO miNe???maNageD tO diG ouT ouR 2/1 auTograPh bK...buT onI haF tHe guRLs dE...sO diS tiMe muZ LeT thE guYs wRitE oSo...caNNoT aFForD tO LeT meMoriEs juZ fAde aWay liKe daT....

*~LaLa LaNd~*17:34

24 August, 2004

waHahaA.... muZ cOngRatuLatE paTriCk....hiS eRmm.. RadiO staTioN (?) opEn LeRz...dJ paT: hahahA.... hoPe u goT moRe n MoRe aRdenT LisTeneRs....
jiA yOu woRz!!! keeP uP tHe gD woRk!!!hahaZ... eVen mY eR JiE oSo asK mi wHetheR toNite u sTreamiN anoT...guEsS sHe's aDdicteD LiaOz... =PhahaZ... juZ dediCatEd a soNg... iN LovE wiTh u... bY jacKy CheUng n RegiNe...suPeR niCe soNg...wahahhahaz.......hMmhMmmm.... *gRiNs*toDae gooD moOd... gEt baCk dE paPers noT aS baD as i eXpeCteD...heheZ.... aT LeaSt aLL goT paSS... shuAnG LiaOz... =)

*~LaLa LaNd~*21:43

23 August, 2004

mSn niCkz...
~I finally found her!!!!!DaRdAr+BaObEi(S.H.EnJaY4-EvEr){i LuV sPsU}(sPoRtScLuB4-3v3r}OrJiAo LeAdEr~~I finally found hiM!!!!!DaRdAr+BaObEi http://xiang.blogdrive.com~hEeheE~finaLLy caMe uP wiTh soMethIng coMMoN tO puT iN ouR msN niCks...hE tHink oNe LeHz... heEhEeztoDaE reaLLi veRi haPPiE...goT baCk eMatHs... 40/48... anD chIneSe 70/100...hEhE... noW mY avG goT a1...buT duN thiNk tt wiLL b poSSibLe whEn i gEt baCk mY otHer paPerz....mY moM stiLL saY mY chiNesE geT 70 ONi...oMg... reaLLi duNNo waD aDuLts r thiNkinG...sOmemoRe saY i nV stUdy....aiYahz.. waDeVa tHey sAy LarZ...i haPPie caN LeRz...hahaZ... i feeL sO tYcO....

*~LaLa LaNd~*22:17

22 August, 2004

cT oVer LeRz...
waHahaha... cOmmoN tEsT oVeR leRz...
aCtuaLLy toT caN reLax... deN reaLiZeD tT pReLiMs r sOoO neAr...oMg... a biT sCarEd LerZ... buT sTiLL caN"t waIt foR evErythIng tO b oVer...
thEn caN reaLLi gO n pLay... wahahhaha~goT baCk 2 paPerS... eNg.. 18/30 cHem... 27/40 hMz... noT veRi sAtisFieD...buT waD caN i dO? juZ woRk haRdeR LorZ...besIDes.. i duN waN somEonE to thiNk he'S diStracTing mi or waD....i'Ve alWays beeN thiS SlaCk.. hahha...noW i MorE woRRieD boUt pHys... i tHinK i goT 15+ wrOng.. diE LeRz...pAndiaN goNna kiLL mi... arHz....mY moM fiNaLLy caMe baCk LiaOz...haVen seeN heR foR a wEEk.. so wEnt shoPPinG wiF heR juZ noW...sHe saE bRinG mi gO hoNgkoNg afTEr o's..hahhaaha~... oSo duNNo wHethEr sHe juZ maKinG mi haPPie oR waD...thEN juZ noW pLay heXic wiF paTriCk...hahaha... sTiLL tRyiNg tO geT aT leaSt onE bLacK peaRL...noT giVinG up... aT thE moMent.... keKez...wiSh mi LucK maN~

*~LaLa LaNd~*17:55

19 August, 2004

oNe mOre 2 gO!!!
yEa!tML pHyS LasT paPer LiaoZ!!!!kekekE... muZ jiA yOU... caNNoT LeT paNdiaN LooK doWn oN mi!!!!!
buT coMMoN teSt ovEr Ler, bouT 2 wEEks deN pReLimS...siAn.. ('~')
wAh... suDDenLy LyK tiMe paSS veRi faSt LehZ...hMz... n mY dA JiE oSo goNNa coMe baCk fRm uS LeRz...arGh!!! 2 moNthS+ tO o'S...tt'S veRi soON....n i StiLL haVen deCidEd jC Or poLy...deCisioNs, deCisioNs.... sP? heehee~ =P

*~LaLa LaNd~*21:19

o'LeveL oraL...
haiZ...goNe caSe LiaoZ...osO duNNo waD i waS crAppiNg aBt LorZ...1)- teLL uS abT uR gRanD paRentS...i aDmiT... i LieD!!!caN'T beLieVE i diD tHat...i saiD mY gRanDma taUghT mi hOw tO cooK...oMg... i caN't cOOk tO saVe mY owN LifE...hOw iRoniC...2)- waD dOes marriAge meaN tO u?haH... toO yoUng tO tHink boUt maRRiaGe riTe?aNiwaE... tO mi... maRriaGe is a coMMitmeNt...iTz abOut sPenDinG tHe reSt oF uR LifE wiF soMeonE u LoVe...3)- hoW iMporTanT iS tRusT iN a reLatioNshiP? - hoW do u suGGesT ppLe buiLd trusT? - dO u tHink ppLe noWadAys haVe tRusT iN eaCh oTheR?
tRusT iS dEfiNitELy ImpoRtaNt iN a reLatioNshiP...eSp wiF thE onE u LovE... suSpiciOn n beTrayaL wiLL onLy caUse a ReLatioNshiP to eNdu caN buiLd tRusT bY uNdersTandiNG a peRsoN...anD ppLe tHesE daEs duN haVe tRusT in eaCh otHer... coS thEy dO noT haVe enOugh tiMe tO fuLLy unDerstAnd a peRsOn...
biaNgz... souNds daMn craPPy LorZ...
i dun evEn noE whEtheR tO lauGh oR crY aT thiS kiNda ruBBisH...argHz....

*~LaLa LaNd~*18:11

15 August, 2004

coMmoN tEsT? haha~
ooPs... =P
tmL iS thE coMmoN teSt LerZ... n waD aM i doiNg HeRe?hahaaha~
woKe uP aT 7.30aM...seNt mY moM tO aiRporT...sHe wEnT sHanghaI.. aGaiN...aiYahX... uSeD to iT liaOz...
tRieD tO stuDy... but eVeriwHerE is toO cLutteRed... sPenT an hOur oR sO paCkiNG mY fiLes... n heRe i aM...
hahahaha~jUZ hoPe i caN geT soMe stuFF iNtO my heaD laTer...esP aFteR aLL thiS reLaxiNg...kekeZ.....

*~LaLa LaNd~*16:21

14 August, 2004

hahaAz... fiNaLLy gOt tO upLoaD tHe phoTos fRm mY phOne LiaoZ...gOt LotZa faRneE onEz...
LyK ouR maC(60 nuGGeTs) piX... fiRewOrKS... aNd oF coS aLoT.. oF mY frEnz!!!www.snapfish.comcaN LoG iN uSinG mY aCCouNT...emaiL: a_list88@hotmail.com paSSwoRd: xianghahaA... duN tHink oF haCkiNg mY aCCouNT... cOs onLy tHis pAsswOrd sPeciaL...juZ cHanGE iT foR evEryonE's coNvenieNce...aniWaEz... meT sOmeoNe foR a whiLe juZ noW... aBt haLf aN houR... kiNda shoRt.. buT i veRi haPPiE LerZ!!!tHen wEnT baCk foR chiA's reMediaL toDae...daMn tiRed... buT oSo quiTe farNeee... coS siDe gaTe LockEd... sO iN thE eNd..
cHinG.. huaN n mi cLiMb oVER tHe gaTe!!! wahahahhaaZ...fiRst tiMe iN mY LifE i eVeR diD suCh a tHing...kinDa siA suAy... coS aLot oF ppLe acRoSS tHe roAd... muZ b tHinkiNg.. waD r tHesE ppLe doiNg? LoLz...
tHen wEnT tO sTaFF LouNge foR tHe LessOn...heHe... iTs quiTe a coNduciVe enviRonmeNT foR stuDyinG leHz...n i LuRve thE veNdinG macHine thEre.. goT bLacK coFFee n tEh taRiK...
hMx... duN miNd goinG baCk tHerE to sTudY... heheX~

*~LaLa LaNd~*22:13

12 August, 2004

cHi... o'S
eRmz.. o'LeveL cHi reSuLts ouT toDae...hMx... sAw aLoT oF diSappOinTed fAceS n eVen teArs...i feLt baD foR theM...i'M suRe aLL oF thEm woRk haRd n StuDieD...buT pRobaBLy juZ shOrT oF a LittLe LucK...buT i feLt worSe bcoS i couLdn'T dO anyThiNG tO makE anY onE feeL betTeR...=(duN woRRy kaEz...i'M suRe eVeryoNe wiLL dO weLL for thE neXt eXaM!!!muZ haVe coNfiDenCe iN uR seLf!!!
duN giVe uP!!!jiAyoU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*~LaLa LaNd~*20:48

10 August, 2004

wEnT to sEE mY gRandpaRenTs yeSterdAe...abT 2 wEEks nV sEE thEm Lerz...evErytiMe gO tHerE, oSo sEE tHem siT iN tHe LivINg rM...dO noThiNg...tHey wEre veRi haPPie tO sEE uS... eSp siNce soMe oF mY couSins caMe aLong toO...
buT iT waS kiNda saD...coS i couLd sEE thEy weRe crYinG wHen wE weRe leaVinG... =(.. i reaLLy feeL veRi upSeT... alMosT cRieD ouT toO...juZ duMpiNg thEm aT hoMe wiF a maiD... LifE iS sO LoneLy n duLL...juZ siT tHeRe n waiT foR uS tO gO sEE theM lyK tWicE a moNth?!?maKes mE thiNk abT waD weRe tO hapPen iF i wEre oLd...frEakY...maYbE iTs noT suCh a gD iDea tO LivE tt LonG...
i wouLdn'T waN tO LooK wRinKLy n leaD suCh a boRinG LifE.... =P

*~LaLa LaNd~*20:52

09 August, 2004

1 mOntH LeRz...
heeheE... 8/8/04...so coiNciDentaL... goT fiRewoRks tO sEE...wEnT aLL tHe waY tO espLanaDe.. tHen tO soMe briDge tO waiT tO waTch tHe fiReworKs...damN crOwdEd n tiRiNg...buT deFiniTeLy woRtH iT... =)
tHe fiRewoRks weRe reaLLy veRi cooL...hE tooK a viDeO oF iT oNhiS phOne...n wE waTcheD iT quiTe a fEw tiMes...thEn aFteR tT hE sEnT mi hOme...hahaA.. veRi LatE... aRd miDniTe...mY gRandmA waS woRRieD...buT gEt scoLdeD oSo woRth iT... heehee~ =PkiNda aMaZinG hoW oUr goVerNmEnt caN b boTheRed tO 'bLow uP' a FeW miLLioN $$...hahaA... tHatS noT foLlowInG iTs poLicY oF PraGmaTisM....buT aFteRaLL.. iT iS onLy onCe a yeaR...LooKiN foRwaRd 2 neXt yeaR's ceLebRatioNs!!!

*~LaLa LaNd~*23:50

07 August, 2004

weNt kboX wiF aLoT oF ppLe toDae... n eRmm....yuPz... tHeY noE boUt hiM oSo LeRz...reaLisEd tt iTs nO poiNt pLayiNg 'hiDe n SeeK'...n iTs unFaiR tO hiM too....
haVe to keeP avoiDinG freNz...weLL... tmL is ouR 1 moNth aNN...=)...
LooKin' foRwaRd~heeheE...

*~LaLa LaNd~*21:12

02 August, 2004

mY freNz...
hMm...juZ wHen i toT eVeRioNe (iNcLudiNg mi) waS haPPie...i fOund daT soMe oF mY frEnz aRen'T reaLLi tOO haPPie..veRi upSeT...iT huRts mi tO sEE thEm dePresSed...anD woRse oF aLL..i duNno waD i caN dO tO maKe thEm feeL beTTeR...feeL veRi uSeLess...tHey aCcomPanieD mi wHen i waS dowN...buT now... haiZ...i'm so sorrie, my frenz......

*~LaLa LaNd~*20:25

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waN hSiN

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